2016: a year in review at the CADF

Jan 9, 2017

2016 was an important year for the CADF.

Following the implementation of the new World Anti-Doping code in 2015, which gave a new impetus to the fight against doping, the CADF improved its procedures with specific attention to the implementation of new Intelligence processes. In this context, the CADF strengthened the Intelligence area by recruiting an Intelligence Analyst to support the Intelligence Manager. Both have a specific academic and professional background, which allows the CADF to facilitate the gathering and management of anti-doping intelligence, to carry out investigations, to liaise with other Anti-Doping Organisations and public authorities, to disseminate and optimize the use of information coming from different sources and to improve the testing strategies.

The year was also particularly busy considering the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. CADF worked hand-in-hand with the Rio Taskforce established by the International Olympic Committee ahead of the Games to ensure a coordinated effort between all countries.

2016 also saw the CADF organise and/or attend several important events, including – but not limited to – the following:

  • In March 2016, the CADF attended the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Symposium entitled “Partnering for quality practice”, during which the CADF staff actively contributed as speakers to sessions focused on Long-Term Sample Storage for Re-Analysis, Developing an Education Plan, Technical Document for Sport Specific Analysis Implementation and Doping Reporting Mechanisms.
  • The CADF and its Funding Committee met in Geneva on 10th June 2016 for a mid-year review. The CADF Funding Committee, composed of all cycling stakeholders who fund the anti-doping activities of the CADF, received updates on the current anti-doping programme. The detailed 2015 accounts were also presented.
  • In December 2016, the CADF convened a webinar for athletes, teams, rider’s support personnel to explain the whereabouts system to the riders recently included in the UCI Registered Testing Pool (RTP) and to assist them with the submission of the relevant information into ADAMS.