CADF Funding Committee welcome new members

Jun 26, 2018

On 14 June 2018, the CADF Funding Committee met in Geneva and welcomed two new members : Amina Lanaya, Director General of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) and Luc Gheysens, representing the race organisers’ association (AIOCC).

The CADF has a unique model where the Sport’s stakeholders directly contribute financially to its activities. The CADF Funding Committee is composed of representatives from key cycling stakeholders, namely the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the International Association of Professional Cycling Teams (AIGCP), The International Association of Race Organisers (AIOCC) and the Cyclistes Professionnels Associés (CPA).

During that meeting, the CADF Funding Committee members were presented with a report on the CADF 2017 anti-doping activities and the 2017 approved accounts. The CADF also presented and discussed with the Funding Committee Members various projects that are key in the fight against doping in cycling.

For the full list of the CADF Foundation Board and Funding Committee Members, click here.