End of the year meeting: time for a 2017 activities debriefing
Annual meeting where CADF is always invited to update the Cycling Italian Doctors on the WADA list and generic news
CADF shares its experience almost 10 years after the program was launched and also some thoughts about what the current challenges of the ABP program are.
CADF gives its contribution to WADA in order to improve some aspects of the fight against doping
Anti-Doping course are provided by CADF to the Sport Directors in the framework of the UCI Sport Director Training Program. The course covers the key aspects of CADF activities and provide essential information to the Sport Directors who also act as Athlete Support Personnel
Key stakeholders are present at this event. Opportunity for CADF to meet the new AFLD President Madame Laurent.
16th Annual USADA Symposium on Anti-Doping Science: Pharmacokinetics and Detection Windows: Interpretation of Long Term Metabolism and Excretion
CADF attends to the USADA symposium. This annual meeting is always organised with the scope to provide scientific information which can improve the testing strategy