

    1. What is the CADF?

    The CADF stands for Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation, an independent non-profit foundation created in 2008 under Swiss law. The CADF’s role is to manage the anti-doping programme from strategy and test planning to preliminary result management on behalf of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI). The CADF acts in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code, the related International Standards, the UCI Rules and related Anti-Doping Regulations.

    The CADF has been fully independent from UCI in 2013.


    1. What have been the CADF’s greatest achievements to date?

    The CADF runs one of the largest and most comprehensive anti-doping testing programmes in sport. One of the main achievements so far has been the introduction of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), an individual electronic record for each rider in which the results of blood and urine specific biological parameters are collected over a period of time. The monitoring of these selected biomarkers can reveal indirect evidence of doping. This approach is in conjunction with the traditional direct approach.

    This ABP program is under continuous improvement in collaboration with WADA and relevant stakeholders.


    1. What measures has the CADF recently implemented or will the CADF implement to improve the effectiveness of its anti-doping program?

    The implementation of the new World Anti-Doping Agency International Standard for Testing and Investigation has given new impetus to the fight against doping and has expanded the range of actions that can be taken.

    IIn this context, the CADF strengthened the Intelligence area by recruiting an Intelligence Analyst to support the Intelligence Manager. Both have a specific academic and professional background, which allows the CADF to facilitate the gathering and management of anti-doping intelligence, to carry out investigations, to liaise with other Anti-Doping Organisations and public authorities, to disseminate and optimize the use of information coming from different sources and to improve the testing strategies. For example, the CADF was the first to implement the new rule allowing night-testing missions between 11pm and 5am.


    1. How many anti-doping tests does the CADF conduct a year?

    This information, updated each quarter, is available in the annual business reports published in the Resources section.

    The detailed figures are reported in the CADF’s business reports published in the Resources section.

            5. What is the CADF’s annual budget and who contributes?

    Budget contributions are obtained from cycling’s Stakeholders: UCI WorldTeams, UCI Continental Professional Teams, the UCI, Race Organizers, and the riders themselves. More information is available in the following section of the website.